All across Georgia, people are recognizing the importance of reading with children. That effort extends not only to parents and educators, but even to the Atlanta Police Department.
Last month, Officer Michael Walker took time out of his day to sit down with a group of children at the Historic Fourth Ward Park. As part of the Mayor’s Summer Reading Club, Officer Walker read the book “Amari’s Bike Adventure,” the story of a little girl who learns to ride her bike in preparation for the Lantern Parade. Along the way, Amari meets helpful people including an Atlanta Police Officer as she explores the Atlanta Beltline.
The book was specially written and designed by the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy at the Atlanta Speech School as a tool parents and other adults can use to create engaging story times that help young children develop language and comprehension skills. Parents can download both “Amari’s Bike Adventure” and the first book in the series, “Amari’s Adventure,” by visiting our Techniques Parents Can Use to Teach Language Skills at Home page.
The Atlanta Mayor’s Summer Reading Club exists to improve vocabulary and literacy for children birth through 8-years-old, a perfect complement to Read Right from the Start’s 2020 Promise.